GARMIN: BaseCamp
#5 kein Problem alles super installiert auch beim Arbeiten bis jetzt kein Problem
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Added smoothing of speed and heart rate graphs.
Improved Track Join inside of an Adventure
Change to not show the "Filter Results" option in the find results if there are no results to filter.
Fixed layout not being remembered properly between application runs.
Fixed layout being different after exiting from Adventure playback.
Fixed an issue with the "References" tab page not being properly updated when changing selection.
Fixed an issue with route shaping point info being lost when erasing points from a route.
Fixed an issue with track color being changed when tracks are filtered.
Fixed an issue with not updating the summary in the route dialog when points are unselected.
Fixed some issues with login and re-login for MyGarmin services
Fixed doing an undo while drawing a route ending the route. Now only the last via point is removed.
Fixed an issue when importing photos with invalid time EXIF data.
Fixed text messages from Basestation devices being repeatedly notified
Fixed an issue with route join
Fixed an issue with the route divide tool
Fixed an issue with duplicating routes
Fixed an issue with adding waypoints into routes in an Adventure
Fixed an issue with line breaks being repeatedly added to GPX files
Fixed an issue with click & drag on the map hiding properties dialog
Fixed an issue with importing KML or KMZ files that had downloadable content.
Fixed an issue with creating a waypoint via the map context menu when a list folder is selected
Fixed an issue where the waypoint ordering was not updated when changing the main track in an Adventure
Fixed an issue when clicking on the 'X' to remove a tag from the References tab page.
Fixed an issue when changing map detail level before putting focus into the map views.
Fixed an issue where the creation date of a photo waypoint didn't match the creation date of the photo's EXIF data
Fixed an issue with waypoints sometimes not being shown on the map
Fixed an issue with some card products not being recognized. Unfortunately this requires re-indexing all card products.
Fixed various other customer reported issuesIch gehe davon aus das die externe Karten meinen und nicht die eigenen Karten von Garmin, wie oben geschrieben funktionieren die scheinbar (bei mir)
#10 Garmin BaseCamp Version 4.0.4 steht zum Download bereit.
Guckst Du hier!
Change History
Changes made from version 4.0.2 to 4.0.4:Fixed some issues with publishing adventures.
Fixed an issue with remembering the layout of the data and map panels.
Fixed an issue with remembering the positioning of the toolbars.
Fixed some layout issues in Windows XP.
Fixed ordering of photos during adventure playback.
Fixed various stability issues with route properties.
Fixed issues with the route and track join.
Fixed some device and adventure transfer issues.
Fixed issue with gdb and kml import.
Fixed issues with adventure playback.
Fixed an issue with exporting waypoints with dog icons.
Fixed an issue where orphaned route via point would remain on the map in certain cases.
Fixed an issue where geotagged photos were not being cleaned up after deletion.
Fixed an issue with the notes tab where links where not being stored properly.
Fixed various other stability issues.
Improved speed for displaying the properties of an adventure for the first time.
Improved transition when entering/leaving adventure playback mode. -
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